Church and Horse, 1964


Location: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
© A.C.Fine Art Inc.

This image has been sourced from the outstanding collection of 1000MUSEUMS

Church and Horse, 1964 by Alex Colville: Experience the quiet beauty and serenity of rural life with Alex Colville's "Church and Horse," a captivating and contemplative piece that showcases the artist's unique approach to realism. This artwork is perfect for those looking to add depth and meaning to their space.

Our archival pigment print is crafted using wide-gamut archival pigment inks on 100% cotton acid-free fine art paper, and is then expertly framed with an elegant black stained ash-wood moulding. Each reproduction comes ready to hang, complete with a certificate of authenticity.

All frames feature:
 Cast acrylic to protect our prints from light damage. A high-quality material, it offers many benefits: including 91% optical clarity and 90% UV protection. As it is shatter-resistant, it is much safer than glass in your home or workplace.
• Sealed paper backing to prevent dust infiltration
• Wire on the back of the frame for effortless hanging
• A supplied hanging kit for your convenience